Hi Guys, we all know that Notepad++ has plugins for almost everything you need because of its open source nature. This article helps developer to align their code easily in notepad++ which would be useful to manage long code in a file. I posted my last article.
Therefore, I would like to share my knowledge on Code Alignment (plugin). As the name suggests, this plugin aligns the code easily. The Code Alignment plugin aligns the code and provides us the ability to choose any sign for alignment. The level of alignment is pretty good to manage multiple variable assignments.

Steps to install Code Alignment:
- Open the Notepad++ editor.
- Go to the Plugins tab and click on Plugins Admin.
- Search “Code Alignment” in the Available directory and mark the checkbox before “Code Alignment” and click the Install button.
- Notepad++ will automatically restart after the Installation.
Steps to use Code Alignment:
- Enter the HTML/CSS code in Notepad++.
- Save the file by clicking on Save As option.
- Select All the code.
- Click on Plugins >> Code Alignment >> Choose your Alignment.
- The Code is aligned.
This is how, one can align code easily in Notepad++ . Code Alignment Plugin is wonderful tool to format the code let us use it and make your work easier.
Thank you, I hope this article will be useful for everyone.